Saturday, August 18, 2007


I got bit by the

On my right shoulder. It's red and round and big. It looks like I've got some third world rash. I don't know why we here in Chicago land have these strange plagues and pestilences ie; West Nile Virus, Itch mites and 17 year cicadas. It's odd because it's not like we have the Everglades nearby or swamps or bayou country. We're Chicago. Sky scrapers and metropolitan! WTF? It itches like friggin hell. I only have one. Those with multiple are getting infections from all the scratching with dirty finger nails and are keeping doctor's offices and the E.R. busy this past week. I'm the only one at work with this. I was lucky (so I thought) to be in the burbs, with the nice open sky last weekend, and thought, hey, let's look at the meteor shower! Bad idea. Now I have to suffer another week. They supposedly last for two weeks. Glad it's not a burrowing creature. Nothing like having to extract an alien out of your body. The wheal is classic round and red. I need to go find some Cortaid cream. The Benadryl is drying and peeling my skin. UGH! I think I should have stayed in Egypt. I'd probably be better off living in Turkey or Egypt or Morocco. The food is better and the shopping is good as well. And they probably have less pestilence then we do at the moment.
CLICK on photo for the news' itch mite story.


Hazar Nesimi said...

Hope it goes away quickly. And I thought Chicago is cleaner than Paradise!

Anonymous said...

You know what they say: When you got an itch, scratch it!

Deb said...

Sorry to hear of your troubles. Weird story. Don't scratch that itch!..and get well soon.

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

Now you've made ME itchy!

Hey, I love your new music! Who is it? It sounds familiar.

M- Filer said...

L O V E your music! It's not another Amy Winehouse tune is it? It's right up my alley. I must find out.

Rhianna said...

I'm really sorry you were bitten!
I hope it goes away soon.

Mom of Two said...

I hadn't been to your site in a while and am cathing up (while she naps) and now I understand your commenting about Itch Mites....